Thursday, August 12, 2010

Personal Energy

Is what we put out really what we get back? Ever feel like the one in the group that is the "odd ball out"? Ask yourself the question, is it me or them? I came across this topic one day at work, as I was speaking to a co-worker and getting the innate feeling that she was just putting up with me. This person is also known to be on an emotional roller coaster and one I personally, believe to be a bit caught in her own head. However, to me that doesn't make her a person that isn't mostly enjoyable to talk to and pass the time at work with. Anyways, back on topic. The point being that she made me feel as if talking about the weather or some other mundane "safe" topic was bothering her. So I just stopped talking in fear that I would be theoretically kicked out of the work friend zone. I let her unsaid emotion control what I did. Why?
We, as a human race, are taught to be a part of society, to belong and prosper. In school we are told to get along with all, but encouraged to be a part of groups. This group activity causes comradeship, but also alienation of others outside of the group. In the United States this is referred to as clicks. Click, a word with other meanings, but some how was attached to the most evil thing in high school. As a young woman I experienced the pain of being on the outside, and the enjoyment of being on the inside. Of course one little mistake can take you out of the group and into the "weird" zone. You are then categorized as the person with many flaws and cannot be aloud back into the group in any way, unless you're being talked about. You are the person the group blames for small occurrences, makes fun of your stories, ideas, and personality. It's a cruel world out there. It doesn't just stop at high school, but continues into our adult lives, almost like a living being. Just being yourself without pretense and expectation is difficult.
Our internal energy can contribute to how others treat us and and perceive our outward appearance. Just as I let the girl at work essentially control me through her mood, because I felt in some way I was being judged. Having people's approval and trying to be nice to everyone seems to be something that controls me and many others in this world. I mean, we can't walk up to someone you work with and say "fuck off," but you can't just let them emotionally control you either. It's something I hope I can get over as I go into my thirties.
So trying to sum this up, we really don't always get back what we put out. We can be as nice as pie, but there is always someone that will shut you down. One quote I've been running through my head lately is by Eleanor Roosevelt, "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." It gives me strength when I'm feeling insecure. I hope it helps you too.
We are not a perfect race. As long as there are humans there will be judgment and insecurities that go with it. I guess I just have to grow a stronger skin and build a larger wall. Next time I have the feeling someone doesn't like me or what I'm doing, I'm going to keep going. I will no longer have someone dictate how I chose to operate my day and life.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Nature vs. Chemical: Differences, Positives, and Non-Sense

Is Natural better? As of late many consumers have chosen to go the natural skincare route. I am personally an advocate for natural, only because I feel our skin already knows what it is doing and adding things that change its behavior is not always the best idea. I am also for the discovery of the better. I'm sure when I've reached an advanced age where my skin looks something more like leather than a subject in a Rembrandt painting, I'll kindly change my mind about the more man-made chemical skincare.
What works for some may not work for you, so keep this all in mind. It is also good to remember all things in this world are created by natural chemical processes, and anything you are to put on your skin creates a chemistry all on its own. So where does natural end and chemical begin in the world of skincare? As I've pointed out, chemistry is taking place at all levels of the skin, at all times of day, and no matter what you put on it will result in a chemical process and reaction of some kind. But to break this down into very simple terms the definition of Natural skincare is: "Is the care of the skin (the largest organ of the body) using naturally-derived ingredients (such as herbs, roots, essential oils and flowers) combined with naturally occurring carrier agents, preservatives, surfactants, humectants and emulsifiers (everything from natural soap to oils to pure water). The classic definition of natural skin care is based on using botanically sourced ingredients currently existing in or formed by nature, without the use of synthetic chemicals, and manufactured in such a way to preserve the integrity of the ingredients." That definition brought to you by the folks at Wikipedia (
Now that you know what the definition of natural is, did you know that nearly none of this is actually regulated by the US Government? Please pay attention to your labels to make sure you are getting true natural ingredients (if that is what you'd like to put on your skin.) A lot of "natural" and "organic" is all in the marketing, not in the actual product. The FDA does however, regulate certain ingredients in skincare, natural and chemical alike for the minimal safety of the American public. Some of the ingredients outlawed by the FDA are the following; Bithionol, Chlorofluorocarbon propellants, and Methylene Chloride. For a full list of banned chemicals in cosmetics please visit WWW.FDA.GOV. These chemicals have been banned due to the carcinogenicity found in animals and humans after periods of study. Good thing for us, these are no longer on the market for cosmetic use. As for the chemicals everyone is concerned about currently, Phthalates, Mineral oil, Parabens, and Diethanolamine, etc.... these chemicals and compounds are under current study. Some studies have shown a link to cancer, skin irritation, and many other conditions, but are not definitive as of yet. Therefore making them still "safe" to be put into cosmetic and skincare products. If you have any worries about these chemicals and preservatives, then don't use them. I am not a chemist or a scientist of any sort, nor do I claim to be. However, my Husband being a brilliant chemist/biologist and hearing his very professional discussions of chemicals and elements has made me very interested in ingredients and the effects it will have on my skin and health. Plus, I have had a bit of training in college and in my professional life with chemical definitions and skincare. (It's only natural I should try to bring you some knowledge.)
Aside from Natural products, there is the obvious man-made or chemical nature products. That would be one of the only other choices available, beside Organic (a whole other being in the world of skincare and different regulations), mixed nature chemical/natural products (that use natural ingredients with chemical preservatives, and Cosmeceuticals (not a real word, except in the cosmetic world. Definition: a product known to have "drug-like effects" on the skin. These are becoming bigger in the market with the development of "Doctor" brands.) Again, if you would like more information on any of the above mentioned, please visit the following websites, WWW.SmartSkincare.Com, WWW.Sephora.Com, and WWW.Greenlivingideas.Com. or of course speak to your Dermatologist or local Chemist.
Chemically enhanced skincare is under the care of many chemist and many marketing people. The argument could go on and on about, is it marketing or is the products they sale actually effective and safe? If it didn't work in some way, shape, or form then companies like Estee' Lauder, L'Oreal of Paris, and Elizabeth Arden would have been out of business a long time ago. So in theory their chemically enhanced skincare must work on some level. Hope they're thinking of our safety. Also, most companies these days are worried about the consumer lash back of putting the "no-no chemicals and preservatives" in their products, so they are choosing to play it safe for future launches. I've used many brands that have had these so-called "bad" chemicals in them and have ended up fine. Weather I'll see cancer in my future, only time will tell. So far, so good and I guess I'll take my chances if I come across a product I like that is not primarily natural. On a positive note; I feel I can mix and match my skincare, by knowing more about the ingredients that go into each product I use to create what is right for me. I suggest you do the same.
The battle between Natural and Chemical was not solved in this brief blog, but I do hope I shed some light on the issue. Maybe I even made the decision a little easier for you. Please listen to your skin and what it's telling you. Not all expensive products are better, and not all natural products work, not all that is chemical is hazardous. Use what you are comfortable with, and be "in the know" about the process your skin has to go through to be healthy. I'm not saying take a Biology or Anatomy/Physiology class for every time you need to change skincare, but do know what is on your skin. Some of the natural brands that I have personally tried and loved are REN, Juice Beauty, NUDE Skincare, Skyn Iceland, Ole Henriksen, Boscia, and Crabtree & Evelyn. Other non-natural products that I have tried and love are Kinerase, Dr. Perricone, and Murad. Try them out and see how you like them. You be the judge of great skincare.
That is all for now. Take care of what you have!

Monday, July 26, 2010

American Obesity

American's are fat and unhealthy. I'm sorry to put it so bluntly, but if you haven't looked around lately, our friends, family, and loved ones are plagued by this overwhelming health issue. I am not saying, all that are unfit, are not beautiful, kind, and loved. I am saying that it is an ever increasing issue that won't stop until we support each other.
According to the Center for Disease Control, almost 34 percent of American adults are obese; that study taken as of January 2010. The most overwhelming thought is most of those Americans won't follow through with a treatment plan. This paving the way for generations of Americans to be taught incorrect eating and exercise habits.
I've been pondering this issue for awhile now, well maybe forever. I have a past of weight obsession and borderline eating disorder. All the women in my family are constantly "on a diet" and endlessly battling their bodies. I never took the eating disorder to its fullest potential, but always have that little voice in the back of my mind telling me, " I shouldn't be eating that." Oh the subconscious always has its say. I have been over weight and under weight, and everywhere in between. As I went into my adolescents, I was a dancer and ice skater; saw many versions of eating disorders and heard many coaches tell girls if they only lost ten more pounds. It is true, thin is not always better, especially when an extreme disorder is linked to it. Whether you're on the end extremes of a body issue, health and proper diet are the principle factors in getting your body to its prime efficiency. We all have to work for the optimum health for our society.
I want to survive for my future and for my loved ones. I'm know overweight and obese Americans want to live for the future as well. However, what is the cause for them not fighting for their quality of life? Why don't the majority of Americans see what they put in their mouths? Why do people think not moving their bodies will hurt more than help? If you are getting the sense of anger, then you're right. It angers and disappoints me to see self sabotage.
Sure, everyone has a fast food meal every now and then. There is nothing wrong with eating this food once in awhile. It also doesn't hurt to take advantage of some of the fast food chains healthier options. With the purchase of the healthy options, only leads to more healthy options in the future. Remember, fast food places aren't to blame for our obesity, it's the American public that buys it.
Having had a summer of traveling to my native land of Ohio, I've seen the way I used to think about eating. I also saw how my family and others in my homeland think about food. Mindlessly feeding themselves with an endless array of sugar and fatty food. In the past, I did not see the value of vegetables other than a way to lose weight. I thought a good meal was getting the biggest or most cheesy thing on the menu. Prepackaged and ready made were the best I could hope for. It really wasn't until I started watching the Food Network and becoming involved with people that knew more about food than I did, that I slowly switched my eating habits. I saw cooking and fresh fruit and vegetables as the nourishment my body needed and wanted. Cooking isn't just a means to be full anymore, it's a way to discover how I can give my body energy. The wish for everyone in America to realize this, I'm afraid will never happen. The attitude of health is for the rich runs ramped in all parts of our country. However, we are not doing ourselves any favors not being honest to our friends and loved ones who are suffering. We can no longer stand by and watch the destruction.
Shows such as, The Biggest Loser and Losing it with Jillian, on NBC Prime Time are a step forward to letting the great masses of Americans that need help or motivation to get healthy. I just hope for the sake of a great America, that these shows inspire more and more people to get off of the couch and into the gym, or at least the produce section of their local grocery store.
Let's help each other live. Be not the enabler, but the person who pushes for a greater cause. Love yourself, family, and friends by spreading the word of good food and exercise. If you or someone you know would like more information on obesity and it's effects, please go to,, or And if you would like healthy recipes and fun food tips, please visit
Please take care of yourselves and the ones you love. Remember, taking care of our health and bodies is a constant challenge. It may not be easy, but it's worth it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Malibu and Back Again

Whew! I'm tired from my fabulous trip to Malibu tonight. Ok, I didn't really visit Malibu tonight, but I did go to High Bar NYC. They hosted a really great Malibu themed party this rainy evening. The party was put together in part by The Brier Group/Fox Greenberg Public Relations. A lot of the amazing talent that makes up The Brier Group/ Fox Greenberg was in attendance, bringing some very important guest with them. No one that would be publicly noted, but still very fun people at that. Although, I am told many celebrities freaquent this New York City hangout.
If you don't know about High Bar NYC then you are missing out on this exclusive intimate hot spot, located at 251 W. 48th Street, 16th floor. The terrace looks out into the skyline of New York, creating the feeling of calm. It was too bad that it was raining, but if it hadn't been the guest could have been lounging on the outdoor terrace and relaxing in the beautiful garden. Couches and large plush ottomans line the walls, making all feel at home. It's a very comfortable atmosphere, providing light breezes and comfortable surroundings. A DJ playing many nastalgic beach tunes in the corner. I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined I was in a posh beach house in Malibu. Which makes this airy bar a must see, and the events held, a must go.
Malibu in New York definetly had it's benefits. Drinks and food are served from 5p-8p, and let me tell you that the Mr. Pink, a signature drink of the bar, is my new favorite summer treat. Even as I write this blog hours after I've finished drinking the small frozen drink, I'm a little tipsy. The food was wonderful, yet simple "beach" munchies, sliders and pigs in a blanket.
I've been told that Fox Greenberg/The Brier Group is planning on having this lovely gathering for ten weeks. Each week is a different theme and country. Next week is South Africa in New York. Who wouldn't want to celebrate the World Cup? (Not really a celebration of the World Cup, but we can say it is if you attend.)
So as this is a beauty blog (and sometimes more) I really must mention the lovely "swag" bag that was provided. So many of these bags are useless, but this one was top of my list. Fantastic was the word that came to mind as I looked through the lovely gift they gave me for having fun. The bag had make-up, magazines, eye-lash curlers, and was topped off and completed by an inflated beach ball. Thank you to all of the sponsers of the bags.... High Bar, Tarte Cosmetics, Hamptons Magazine, and Stila Cosmetics. In the next weeks to come, there will be many great bags to follow. If you are interested in these lovely and networking parties for the fashion, journalistic, and PR elite, I don't know what to tell you. I was actually invited because my very creative friend is on the inside. I'm one of the lucky ones. Plus, I promised to write about my experience. What a wonderful experience it was.
I met many ladies and gentlemen that I would gladly keep in touch with. I hopefully will get more readers. Lastly, I had a blast. Thank you High Bar and Fox Greenberg PR!
(Pictures will be posted at a later time.)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Self-Tanners: How the Hell do I apply them?

It's that time of year again. Don't scream ladies and gentlemen, it's only the warm summer months. Most of the general public would agree that they are happy for the warmth and sun, but some of us are very perturbed by this natural happening. For ladies, it means sundresses, sandals, painted toe nails, and (yikes) shaving or even worse waxing. For gentlemen, well it just means a lot more sweat and more waiting for their ladies to get ready.
For many men and women it means self- tanners. Ok, so don't lie,.. I know you are all not self-tanning. I know you are in the natural sunlight hoping for that golden tan. If you are in the sunlight, then don't make me beg... wear SUNSCREEN!!!! You will always get a tan with sunscreen, regardless of the sun protection factor. The benefits of sunscreen go far beyond just screening you from harmful UVA/UVB rays. Try thinking of sunscreen as your first step to guarding against wrinkles and keeping your collagen and elastin in place. It will keep you from Botox for a little while longer.
Aside from keeping your skin "safe" it can help in some cases against UVC rays, which are the harmful cancer causing rays. Although, no sunscreen producer can claim to guard against these rays yet. Nothing can block the UVA/UVB/UVC rays entirely, but they can help. Just think about the next time at the Dermatologist office when your Doctor tells you, "You have nothing to remove." How great would that be? No skin cancer scares and no nasty scars from removing rogue skin cells.
Now that I've given another lecture about sunscreen, let me direct you in the way of self-tanners. Self-tanners, like so many products, come in a variety of gels, lotions, liquids, towels, and sprays. Your first step should always be exfoliation of the body and face. A smooth surface is extremely important to make that "fake" tan look real. Unless, you want streaks and dry patches that are the color of a traffic cone, I'd make sure that step was done.
Second; you must choose your formula. Now, if you go back to some of my other blogs, I speak of skin types and how to distinguish between them. Please review the previous beauty blogs or go to your local library to look up books about skin and how to treat it. Choosing a proper formulation will make your tan look real and feel good on the skin. Some of the favorite and most liked formulations are made by Clarins, Nutrogena, Sevenine (yes it is the the former Lindsey Lohan line), St. Tropez, Tan Towels, and Kate Somerville. All of these companies make products that are absolutely praised. I've personally used all of them. Out of them all I do really prefer the towel formulations like Tan Towels, Nutrogena, and Kate Somerville. Towels are very easy to apply and usually give an even tone.
I'm sure you are wondering when I'm going to reveal how I would suggest putting them on. Right? Ok, here it is. Besides exfoliation and formula, you are going to need to realize the meticulous care it will take to get all body parts covered. Please use circular motions, so all of the skin surface is most dutifully touched. Circular motions will allow little room for streaks and missing sections.
I do also suggest placing body lotion or cream on the body before application. The lotion allows for the self-tanning formula to absorb into the skin evenly. It also counteracts some of the orange that may occur on rough textured skin. There are some arguments by several beauty professionals about the lotion before the self-tanner. I've found the lotion works wonders when added before. So try it both ways, to satisfy the curiosity of before or after.
Lastly, please let the self-tanning formulation dry into the skin. No matter how many commercials tell you that you can apply and run, it's like fast drying nail polish... they lie. The skin can only allow so much absorption at a time. Give the formula at least an hour before putting on that beautiful white dress. I've had so many clothes ruined by assuming the formula had dried. Also, if the formulation is very fast drying, look out for many alcohols in the formulation, it may dry the skin.
I hope my wisdom has been passed on. Take it and run Children! Be tan and prosper! Oh and wear your SUNSCREEN!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Catching the Moving Bug Again

What's your favorite city? I've been speaking to a lot of friends, family, and customers lately about places they've been and cities they love. As I am going into the ripe age of 30, I am thinking of where I want to "start" my life. I've been in New York City for almost six years now. I feel I have not conquered all that there is, but also have this feeling that I'm stuck in this huge city fighting battles that I frankly am tired of fighting.
Everything exist in this fascinating busy city. It was always a dream to move here. I've wrote of this before. As my life progresses and I gain another year, and another, and another I find myself more unsatisfied with how I've lived. This is a time to make something of myself. I still think that there is opportunity waiting around the corner here. I still feel that I am meant to push a bit harder to make this city worth all of the monumental crap I've been put through. For instance; the terrible drug dealing, weed chain smoking man from Barbados. He was my first roommate in NYC.(Please ask about the story. It's a long one.)
I am trying to make dreams happen here. Until my Husband and I decide what the heck we are doing in our careers and what "dream" place we'd like to live in, I'm here. I might as well make the absolute best out of it. Watch out New York!
However, I am still very much open to suggestions on lovely places to live. I want to make it good. Is it Australia, Paris, Seattle, or Detroit? I don't know... you tell me.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's All So Overwhelming

When did life become an overwhelming mush of problems and expectations? I can't for the life of me remember when I didn't feel like my personal expectations didn't over power my every thought and doing. I believe this to be a common thread amongst every driven person on life's rocky and broken path. I know I can't hold myself to perfect, as I'd like to be. I know that I can't hold everyone else to perfect as I know some of them seem to be. I am human, as everyone says. However, I believe that aliens take over my body from time to time. As I'm sure my Husband would say as well.
How is one suppose to get ahead in the busy world we have created? Our society thrives on the success and the down fall of many of our hero figures. So if our great nation loves a good story of success and failure, then are we all a bit sadistic? Perhaps, there is a little part of all of us that loves the attack and the torture. I wouldn't be artistic if there wasn't a bit of struggle in it. The feeling keeps the drama going and makes the sensation of anything good almost pleasurable. Competition is a great example of that. All around the world fans gather to see their teams fight for the victory. The pressure of winning, the pressure of making entertainment, and being the best is there. Sports is an amazing observation for my point. Plus, everyone is surrounded by it from childhood. I could make the argument that we nurture this pressure of achievement and loathing.
There is so much all of us put on ourselves daily, weekly, yearly. I feel sometimes as a total failure. By this time in my life, I was suppose to be so much more. It didn't matter growing up how much my parents told me that I was wonderful, I always put that pressure on myself. I had the invisible weight balance on my shoulders my entire life. In reality I've never been spectacular at anything I've done. I've never been the best, but I've been good. Deep inside I have to convince myself that enough is enough, but something keeps me going.
It is my conquest to make money. That's right, I admit it. MONEY makes the world go round. It is a pure driving force that presents itself as the golden light at the end of a very long tunnel. That is pressure one. Of course I would love to have the feeling of accomplishment too. For one split second you are on the top of whatever you are going for. It confuses me though, like the chicken and the egg. What comes first? There is no fight that the pressure always comes first (and possibly the feeling of loathing and depression.) Then after that, is it the accomplishment that finally eases the pressure or the money? Around and around we can go.
I write this blog tonight because I feel the pressure. I know some of you do too. I want to know that it's not just me that feels like a complete loser from time to time. I know one day I will be a "success" but I also know I'm going to have to work my well formed ass off to get there. Even if society keeps telling me I should be where I am. It is never good enough for me. I need to always push and go.
Know that there will always be pressure coming at all times from every direction. It is the drive and fire in your mind that keeps you going. As the Secret says ( I really haven't read it) think and it will come. You have to picture the now and the later. So go for it! Don't just sit and feel sorry for yourself. Make it happen! Next time your at a ball game, imagine being the player, not just the fan on the side lines. Because accepting the mediocre side of yourself, is unacceptable.